When I was little, I discovered just how hurtful others judgments could be. Kids are cruel, plain and simple. No matter how much a school preaches about a no bully tolerance, a lot of teasing and bullying still goes on. As I have grown older I have found that where people congregate, hate, gossip, and judgment will follow. Maybe that is why I am such a loner and why I stay home and keep to myself. I have never went in for treating others in that fashion no matter how deserving they may be.
My parents brought me up to treat others as I would like to be treated. If there is nothing nice to say about someone, it is better to say nothing at all. I believe the old saying with conviction that what goes around will come around. Is it up to us mere mortals to exact judgment and the ultimate punishment on another?? Somehow, I just can’t bring myself to think so. I was the little girl that was teased constantly. I was to short, had glasses, and because of a small upper palette my front teeth never came in like they were supposed to. I was the only eighth grader with no front teeth. I went through surgeries to correct the problem only to discover that my front teeth were deformed. One day I left school without teeth and returned with a partial plate. Don’t think that didn’t open me up for a whole lot more ridicule. I was a freak, undeserving of friendship, and wide open for torment. There were plenty of people that had no problem stepping up to the plate. After a while, they grew bored with it…and their neglect was almost worse than the constant ridicule.
Although we all make split judgments about everything from people’s appearances, what's for supper, television shows, and even whether a song sucks a$$ or something is the next best thing to sliced bread, is any one of us really qualified to judge another? When assigned this challenge this week, one bible passage instantly sprang into mind where Je$u$ forgave an adulterous woman. Everyone was out for her blood, ready to stone her. He basically stood up for her and said “Fine, whomever is perfect here and without sins and faults can throw the first stone!” That got their attention, and no one stepped up to the plate.
What about the evil soul who is attacking innocents?? Who is there for them? Do they ever finally get what they deserve? In my opinion, they are already getting it or they wouldn’t be so miserable and so quick to spew their venom on others. Ultimately, the same almighty presence that is there for all of us is also there for them. What goes around comes around, and when it does, I surely don’t want it biting me in the a$$ too. I have been the tormented, and have no desire to be the tormentor. I have even less desire to be the judge. I don’t have to associate with those that choose to act that way and I don’t. I will leave that to someone bigger than I and keep my big mouth shut. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
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