Can you honestly remember what you were doing and where you were a year ago?? I am lucky to remember what I did yesterday, or even where in the world my husband said he was 5 minutes ago. I guess I am to poor to pay attention. Either that or my head is so far up my a$$ on most days that it would take an elephant sized piece of machinery to dig it out. Perhaps it is simply memory loss, or perhaps it is just nothing that exciting happens that often, so why bother to remember??
Not sure how my screwy brains work when it comes to memory, but most of the time most information goes in one ear and rides the old express train right straight out the other side. It could be there is not enough sticky goo in between my ears to soak it all in. I swear most of my brain cells went into my last baby. Maybe Alzheimer’s is setting in! Now that is just scary! Regardless, when this week’s challenge for the GBE2 was posted as “One Year Ago”, I have to admit I panicked! If I were a dude, I would have been scratching my head and my nuts on this one. As it is, I was really close to pleading the fifth on the whole challenge and not submitting a thing. Where is the fun in that though??
Like many of my colleagues, I could have jumped on the old9/11wagon and wrote about what I was doing when the worst tragedy in American history occurred since the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I however, have to be just a little different than the average bear! What would be the fun in doing whatever everyone else is doing?? I remember being glued to the television screen like everyone else in our country horrified and unable to believe that what I was watching wasn’t just a product of Hollywood. 14 years ago I was busy taking the vows, and cruising around Put-in-Bay, Ohio with my husband enjoying my honeymoon. Amazing how a person can remember things that happened that long ago so clearly and can be completely clueless about what happened a year ago, yesterday, or last week!!
The challenge, for better or for worse, was a year ago. Last year I wrote a post about my anniversary, reminiscing about my wedding day. Life rambles on day in and day out with very little change. Rest assured if a big birdie flies over and drops money on my head or takes a crap, you will be the first to know!! So maybe I can’t remember specifically what happened a year ago, but I do remember the beauty of my wedding, the terror of 9-11, and exactly how I felt when my kids were born. I remember the important things in life, the biggies, and the hum drum rest gets lost in transition. That is my story and I am sticking to it!! Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
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